The Jewish Disconnect and the Fourteenthers

This chapter will clarify a major segment of Jewish history that has not been accurately told before—not by Christian sources, by Jewish encyclopedias, or Dimont’s Jewish histories. Specifically, it discusses the complete disconnect with all things Jewish that occurred when the early assemblies—with their many Messianic Jewish believers—were taken over by Rome.

To the Jews, these believers in Christ became “Christians” who were therefore no longer acknowledged as truly Jewish. To the Roman Christians, these people were “Judaizers”  who continued to keep their Jewish customs while refusing to go along with the new Roman teachings. Therefore neither side has told this story accurately, as both sides rejected these early Messianic believers. We will cover at least some of the story of these early Messianic Jews and the rejection and persecution they suf­fered, for this sets the stage for the complete disconnect.  [Continue Reading PDF Excerpt…]