To order the book, things are changing, it is now available at Amazon and most major online and walk up book stores, or you can email the author here:
Moving Beyond the Ritual
To order the book, things are changing, it is now available at Amazon and most major online and walk up book stores, or you can email the author here:
Format: Softcover
ISBN 13: 978-0-9897656-0-2
LCCN: 2013916296
Trim Size: 7x10
Number of Pages: 604
Publisher: Messianic Publishing LLC
By opening the door to understanding certain scriptures from within first-century Jewish idioms, this book reveals major new truths as the author explains what those scriptures really mean, as well as those previously—and erroneously—believed to teach a ritual of Communion.
He explains the Jewish disconnect that took place in Rome and documents this disconnect using history that has previously been misunderstood.
In proving that the Last Supper was not the Passover, he does what has not been done before—showing what those particular scriptures truly mean in the original Greek, and specifically those that seem to portray that the Last Supper was the Passover. This opens the door to what the Messiah really meant in his Last Supper parables—that, considering the Jewish idioms, Jesus was not teaching a ritual but rather the true spiritual communion, a spiritual feast with God and one another.
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The Messianic Feast